The TAG Endorsement: Programming for Advanced Academics fulfills all the requirements for the state of Iowa TAG endorsement. It can be pursued by both practicing/in-service and pre-service educators. It complies with the National Association for Gifted Children’s (NAGC) Faculty Standards for Teacher Preparation Programs in Gifted & Talented Education and promotes both NAGC’s Teacher Knowledge & Skill Standards and the Pre-K – Grade 12 Gifted Education Programming Standards.
The TAG Endorsement PROGRAM OF STUDY consists of 12 semester hours that covers a variety of topics pertinent to programming for advanced learners, including the eight specified sub-topics encapsulated in two principal areas, "Psychology of Gifted" and "Programming" required for the state of Iowa TAG endorsement. The program of study includes a 1 semester hour Capstone Practicum.
The Belin-Blank Center, in collaboration with the University of Iowa College of Education, administrate this endorsement.
The Principal Areas and their corresponding sub-topics are:
Psychology of Gifted:
- Social Needs
- Emotional Needs
- PreK-12 Identification
- Differentiation Strategies
- Collaboration Skills
- Program Goals
- Performance Measures
- Program Evaluation
PLEASE NOTE: The Program of Study (POS) was revised to align with the new state of Iowa requirements in Spring 2024. Individuals who began the TAG Endorsement under the former POS will have until the end of Spring 2027 to complete their endorsement program. After that deadline, the new POS must be completed. Individual circumstances will be considered for an extension.
The TAG Endorsement: Programming for Advanced Academics program of study consists of 12 semester hours (s.h.). This includes required coursework (three courses - 7 s.h. total), elective courses (4 s.h. total) and the Capstone Practicum (1 s.h.). The Introductory course is the required first course.The electives can be 1 semester hour workshops, traditional 2-3 semester hour courses, or a combination of the two. Both the required and elective courses can be found in the program of study. (The program of study is linked above.)
Students may transfer up to six semester hours of coursework from other institutions toward the TAG Endorsement: Programming for Advanced Academics program of study. Individuals should contact the Professional Learning team at the Belin-Blank Center for prior coursework approval. The Capstone Practicum must be completed as part of the TAG Endorsement: Programming for Advanced Academics program of study at the University of Iowa and cannot be substituted with coursework from another institution.
Pre-service teachers may complete the required and the elective learning experiences prior to graduation and either register for their Capstone Practicum before OR after graduation. The option to complete the Capstone Practicum during their first teaching assignment might be attractive for in-service teachers to better ensure its meaningfulness.
Capstone Practicum (Offered in Fall & Spring semesters)
The Capstone Practicum provides an opportunity for students to develop a guided, interest-based culminating product. The final product can be applicable to a classroom, school, district, or other local context.
Students may register for their practicum once they complete at least 9 semester hours toward the TAG Endorsement: Programming for Advanced Academics program of study. Please note that we offer the practicum in the fall and spring semesters (NOT summer), so individuals have access to schools, classrooms, students, teachers/colleagues, and/or administrators.
The foundation of the Capstone Practicum is established through the required and elective learning experiences, additional readings, and conversations focused on the Capstone Practicum. Once students register for the Capstone Practicum, they will be contacted by a professional learning team member at the Belin-Blank Center to schedule a minimum of four meetings.
To gain a level of understanding of programming for advanced academics K-12, students must concentrate a portion of the Capstone Practicum on grade levels beyond an existing (or future) license. For those with an elementary license, they must acquire some experience with high school advanced programming. For those with a middle/high school license, they must acquire some experience with elementary advanced programming.
Gaining understanding of programming for advanced academics K-12 has two key components - readings and the field work. More detailed information about the practicum is available through the Belin-Blank Center professional learning team.
Although students cannot officially register for the practicum until they complete at least 9 semester hours toward the TAG Endorsement: Programming for Advanced Academics program of study, they may start on the field work earlier, if they choose. This flexibility recognizes the busy schedule of practicing teachers.
Master's Degree
The coursework that is required in the TAG Endorsement: Programming for Advanced Academics can be applied to a UI master's degree (with an Advanced Academics emphasis).
Please note that non-degree students who are interested in working toward a master's degree should not take more than 6 semester hours before they apply for it. This ensures that you are economical with your credit hours.
Current Tuition & Fees
For 2024-2025, graduate tuition is $648 per credit hour and undergraduate tuition is $387 per credit hour. Students in a degree program are charged various university fees. Non-degree students are only charged tuition, technology fees, and a one-time document fee (starting the second session/semester of registration). The 1 semester hour workshops do NOT charge a technology fee.