Belin-Blank Advanced Learner Institute

B-BALI is back! It is a full day (face-to-face) institute that builds the capacity in meeting the needs of advanced learners for K-8 educators through a specific focus on practical instructional ideas, social & emotional learning, the unique needs of rural and small- town schools, and opportunity for networking among participants.

B-BALI Participant

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About B-BALI

The Belin-Blank Advanced Learner Institute (B-BALI) is a one day intensive professional learning opportunity for K-8 educators on the campus of the University of Iowa. The Belin-Blank Center and the Baker Teacher Leader Center have partnered together to offer an event with a variety of relevant and practical ideas related to advanced learners and meeting their needs. A host of presenters (many of which are currently in schools) will be sharing their expertise on topics that will better equip you to meet the needs of advanced learners. Some key areas covered at B-BALI include collaboration, differentiation, educator resiliency, museum archives (use of), rural schools, social and emotional needs, talent scouting, and twice-exceptionality. The purpose and intended outcomes for its participants are listed below. 

Purpose: To facilitate an engaging professional learning experience that builds the capacity in meeting the needs of advanced learners for K-8 educators through a specific focus on practical instructional ideas, social & emotional learning, the unique needs of rural and small- town schools, and opportunity for networking among participants. 

Intended Outcomes: 

*Acquire practical ideas to better meet the needs of advanced learners 

*Foster advocacy for advanced learners 

*Understand the unique social and emotional needs of advanced learners 

*Provide opportunities to network with like-minded colleagues  

*Inspire the development of a personal professional goal that envelopes 

enhancement of instructional practice to better meet the needs of advanced learners 

The format of the event will provide for an engaging day! There will be a welcome and closing session, break-out sessions, networking opportunities, and a key note speaker. Because of the variety of break-out sessions, participants will be able to choose a topic that fits their professional needs best.

During the scheduled networking lunch, there will be several Resource Spotlights. At these spotlights, individuals from the Acceleration Institute, the Baker Teacher Leader Center, the Belin-Blank Center, the College of Education Graduate Programs, and the Scanlan Center for School Mental Health will be available to discuss opportunities and resources.

Interested individuals may register and participate in one of three ways:

1) Attend the one-day B-BALI for the learning,

2) Attend the one-day B-BALI for the learning and earn one Iowa Licensure Renewal Unit (ILRU), or

3) Attend the one-day B-BALI for the learning and earn one university credit. (Please note: participants may earn one ILRU and one university credit. There is an additional registration process and fee for university credit. If you are interested in more information on the ILRU or the one university credit option, please visit the "ILRU & Academic Credit" link on this page.

In summary, B-BALI will be an energizing day with lots of ideas that you can bring back to your classroom or school to better meet the needs of advanced learners. Come learn with us! 

If you have any questions about B-BALI, don't hesitate to contact us at

Date & Location

B-BALI will be held on Wednesday, July 16, 2025 at UI's Lindquist Center (College of Education). The Lindquist Center is located at the corner of Burlington Street and Madison Street (240 S Madison St, Iowa City, IA 52242).

B-BALI will run 830AM CST to 5:15PM CST. (Registration check-in will begin at 730AM CST.)


If you have any questions about B-BALI, don't hesitate to contact us at

Event Schedule


Check-In; Continental Breakfast, Exhibitors Open

Welcome Session

Break-Out Session 1
Rural Schools

Break-Out Session 1
Twice-Exceptionality (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 1
Visual Thinking (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 1
Educator Resiliency/Educator Empowerment
Break-Out Session 2
Creativity (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 2
Twice-Exceptionality (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 2
Visual Thinking (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 2
Integrating Talent Development with MTSS (Repeat Session)
Break-Out Session 3
Creativity (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 3
Session from Education Specialist at Hoover Presidential Library & Museum

Break-Out Session 3
Supporting Students with Anxiety/OCD

Break-Out Session 3
Integrating Talent Development with MTSS (Repeat Session)
Networking Lunch & Resource Spotlights

Break-Out Session 4
Collaboration (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 4
Shakespeare in the Classroom Collaboration (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 4
Talent Scouting in K-3 Classrooms (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 4
Session from Education Specialist at Hoover Presidential Library & Museum
2:30-3:15Break-Out Session 5
Collaboration (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 5
Talent Scouting in K-3 Classrooms (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 5
Shakespeare in the Classroom Collaboration (Repeat Session)

Break-Out Session 5
 Networking Snack 
Keynote Speaker: Erin Lane, PhD
Meeting the Social & Emotional Needs of Advanced Learners
Closing Remarks

If you have any questions about B-BALI, don't hesitate to contact us at

ILRU's & Academic Credit

Iowa Licensure Renewal Unit

All B-BALI participants are eligible for 1 Iowa Licensure Renewal Unit (ILRU) with their registration. Educators outside of Iowa who wish to use this learning experience for licensure renewal credit may also register to receive a certificate but must check with their administrator or licensure governing body for credit approval.
To Earn 1 ILRU:
  1. Attend the entire on-campus Belin-Blank Advanced Learner Institute on July 16, 2025.
  2. Complete all requirements of the online course. You will have until August 16, 2025 to complete the online requirements:
    1. Draft and submit a session log. There should be one entry for each breakout session you attend and the keynote presentation. Each entry should include:
      1. A summary of the information shared (a minimum of two paragraphs).
      2. How you might be able to use the information in your local setting.
      3. Questions that the session arose in you. 
    2. Share your professional goal for B-BALI. Make sure to address:
      1. How B-BALI supported progress toward your goal.
      2. Your next steps toward reaching this goal.
      3. The intended outcome you are seeking.
      4. The obstacles you might face.
      5. A detailed plan of the next steps.
      6. The resources you intend to use.
      7. How will you celebrate your success along the way.
    3. Create one applied lesson/idea/material focused on meeting the needs of advanced learners using the learning from B-BALI. You can use one of these templates for the lesson plan: Template 1,Template 2  

University Credit 

B-BALI participants may earn university credit (and/or an Iowa Licensure Renewal Units). Educators who register for B-BALI may pursue either undergraduate or graduate level academic credit (additional fees and registration required). University credit is not included in the cost of B-BALI.

BBC/PSQF:5194 Continuing Education Individual Study ; 1 semester hour

There are additional requirements beyond attending the entire on-campus Belin-Blank Advanced Learner Institute on July 16, 2025. The additional course requirements will be provided once you register for B-BALI for university credit. Please note that BBC/PSQF: 5194 will be offered in the fall semester. This will give you ample time to complete the additional requirements to earn the 1 semester hour for the course.

How to Enroll for University Credit 

Enrolling for academic credit is a two-step process:

Apply to Distance & Online Education. Look for an email from the Office of Admissions (

Please follow the instructions you find in the email from the Office of Admissions. Then, you will log in to MyUI and complete your enrollment.

It is best if you can complete the university registration (for credit) and course enrollment processes before arriving at B-BALI. 

Payment for academic credit is NOT collected by the B-BALI team. Participants seeking credit will pay the University of Iowa directly.  

Remember, after you apply you will receive an email from the Office of Admissions ( 

Cost & Cancellation Policy

We have purposely aimed to set the registration cost at a nominal level to make the event as accessible as possible for educators. The registration cost per person for B-BALI is $150. This includes full day attendance to B-BALI, the event program, continental breakfast, and afternoon snacks. Parking, lunch, and lodging costs are the responsibility of the attendee. 

There will be a $50 cancellation fee for requests received up to three weeks (June 25th by 12PM CST) before the start of B-BALI. Unfortunately, there are no refunds after this date.

If you have any questions about B-BALI, don't hesitate to contact us at

Lodging & Parking

Lodging (Graduate Hotel)

The Belin-Blank Center has organized a special $99 rate (parking is included) for B-BALI attendees at the Graduate Hotel (210 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City). It is walking distance to the Lindquist Center and campus.When you call and make a reservation, you can adjust the dates of your stay.

The codes will no longer work on the website 30 days prior to the start date of B-BALI. The Graduate Hotel will still honor the rate but availability will be first come first serve.

Check-in is at 4PM.

Use this LINK to register online or call the hotel and use the code "coming soon" for B-BALI. 




Parking (Capitol Street Ramp)

B-BALI participants are encouraged to park in the Capitol Street Ramp located in the Old Capitol Town Center (220S N Capitol St, Iowa City, IA 52240).

The first hour in the ramp is FREE and then it is $2 per hour. 

Parking is NOT included in the registration cost for B-BALI. 


If you have any questions about B-BALI, don't hesitate to contact us at

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