Summit on the Neuroscience of Twice-Exceptionality

About the Summit

Co-hosted by the Belin-Blank Center and the Iowa Neuroscience Institute

May 17-18, 2021

Bridging psychology and neuroscience, the Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and the Iowa Neuroscience Institute collaborated to bring researchers, clinicians, educators, and parents together to address the current state of research on twice-exceptionality. Part of the purpose of this interdisciplinary summit was to form partnerships with other institutions in furthering twice-exceptional research and best practice.

How to Register

Registration is for the recorded sessions available now. Standard registration is $145. Current students may register for $45. If you currently attend or are employed by the University of Iowa, email us at to register for free. Once registered the Belin-Blank Center will contact you to arrange access to the recordings on CrowdCast.


The summit featured speakers sharing research from several different domains, including neuroscience, genetics, gifted education, special education, psychology, and psychiatry.

Belin-Blank Center - Iowa Neuroscience Institute Presenters

Members of the Belin-Blank Center and Iowa Neuroscience Institute collaborative team shared their current work with attendees through presentations and panel discussions.


View the summit program.

Register Now

Registration is available for recorded sessions. Sessions for all speakers are included.

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